Friday, October 15, 2010

annotated bibliographic

The article is from complex magazine. The brooks england bike saddle company and vans combined companies in order to make a new sneaker with leather. The idea was to attract these sneakers to males like skaters,sufers and bmxers. The idea is that bike saddle company will get bikers to buy the sneakers if theyre combined together. In the photo next to the article shows a leather bike saddle and a pair of vans theyre slip ons, chained up together locked up. The image gives off a sense of unity between bmx bikers and vans. Theyre a lot easier to slip in and out of bike toe cut.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Quick Response to Bordos Chapter

I choose quote number 2. My advertisement was for a new male fragment a from GQ magazine. I've relized that this advertisment mostly likely relates to bordo's statement. My advertisment shows a close up of a mans face. Its a black and white photo, a man with well kept hair and hes leaning his head on his hand. It shows a more softer side to a guy maybe feminine. I guess it proves that if you were this fragrance, your have that attraction. That Male grooming products too are often marketed by similar to feminine advertisment same of hair spray as hair control,lotion and fragrances.